Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Parent Portal


The question has been raised regarding what parents see in the parent side of PowerSchool. You can see it yourselves - when you log on to PowerSchool Teacher and click on the "backpack" for a student go to the "Quick Lookup page." It's the page that has the attendance information and shows each of the classes the child has with the entered grade for the quarter. This is the grade that calculates as you add assignment grades in your gradebook. When they click on the grade itself they will be taken to a page with the assignments listed and the grade received for the assigments. If the name of the assignment is in blue they will see the instructions you have left for them to see. IF the grade is in blue they will click on it and see the comment you left for them to see. Try it. You WILL NOT be given the ID and password of the parents to get into the account at all. What you see on Quick Look UP is what they will see. Questions? Contact me.


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