Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Powergrade upgrades in process

We have almost complete the pgrade upgradeds, choosing yes to upgrade once prompted. We are not forcing the upgrade, as almost all teachers have completed this task.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Did you upgrade PowerGrade?

If you have not done so, please ask your teachers to upgrade to PowerGrade 5.136. To do this they must be on the computer that has the PowerGrade program and open up PowerSchool Teacher. Now they can click on the section that I told them in the past not to touch - PowerGrade. Have them choose the upgrade that has the newest date and for their type - Windows or Mac. The instructions should be available.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

PowerSchool Teacher Information

If you wish to use PowerSchool Teacher from home to send grades to your PowerGrade program at school, please remember only to submit grades for assignments that are not listed in your gradebook. Clicking on the "notebook" in PowerSchool Teacher saves the assignment information and/or grades at the Diocesan Server until you open PowerGrade connected to the internet. Once the assignments upload into your PowerGrade they will disappear from the Web Assignment que in PowerSchool Teacher.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Welcome to Diocese of Metuchen PowerSchool Blog!

Hi all!

As we continue on this exciting adventure, I decided we needed a place to go to gather information quickly from each other. Sometimes you might have a question that has already been answered for another school. Here I will post questions and answers so you can look to see the answer from wherever you are and whenever you need to know.

As you have questions or can provide answers, please send them to me at aellis@diometuchen.org and I will post them here.

I will start with information that is pertinent to PowerGrade issues.

For PowerGrade to synch up to the server effectively it MUST be connected to a wall-based connection. Wireless from time to time does not send all the information together and can cause problems with data transporting to the main server. Work Offline if you need to add grades and can not connect to the internet with a local connection. Send data with the connection as soon as you can.

COMMENTS - There are comments in the comment bank that save you time. If you choose to use comments, they must be double-clicked from the comment code box. If done correctly you will see the number with brackets around it. To use more than one code you must put a comma and space between the numbers.