Thursday, November 30, 2006

Weighting Grades



As we are entering Q2 grades some teachers have noticed that if you add Q1 and Q2 then divide by 2 it does not necessary equal the Y1 average.  This occurs with classes that have weighted categories, i.e. Tests 50%,
Quizzes 30%, Classwork 15%, Homework 5%.
The reason is this: Q1 categories are calculating all scores for that section of time only. Q2 is doing
the same for its specific dates. However, Y1 is calculating from September to June – so it is averaging all dates during the year.

If you have 30 grades for Q1 and say only have 6 for Q2
since it is not at the halfway point yet, the Y1 is giving more weight to the
quarter with the larger number of assignments. It is averaging 36 grades together, not Q1 then Q2. There are two ways to handle how you wish to view Y1.

First, you can leave everything the way it is. At the end of the school year Y1 will be mathematically very accurate as it will measure the progress for the complete year.

If you wish to calculate Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 divided by 4 =Y1 because you feel the average amount of assignments in each quarter will not be a fair assessment you may use the following instead for Y1:

Go to Windows>Final Grade Setup. Click on the drop down arrow in the FG
Name field
and choose Y1.

In the Factor Type section, click on the drop down arrow and choose “% from another final grade.” In the Asmt/Cat/FG Name section, click on the drop down arrow and choose “Q1”(this will probably show up by default.) In the Weight section, type in 25. Click on the “+” sign above the Weight section to add the next line. Follow the above directions to add in Q2, Q3, and Q4 to equal 100. Save the changes.

Remember, either choice is acceptable; this is teacher or school preference.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Best way to Shut Down PowerGrade


For the safest way to save your information on PowerGrade, please shut down in the following manner:

1. To save your work, choose File>Save.

2. Choose File>Make Backup. A copy of the data file is stored on the PowerSchool server. A message appears indicating the data was successfully backed up.

Note: PowerGrade sends your entire data file to the backup folder on the PowerSchool server. If your local computer crashes, you can retrieve your data file from the backup quickly and easily. PowerGrade notifies you when the backup process completes.

3. Click OK.

4. On the class spreadsheet, choose File>Quit. The class closes and the application shuts down.

This is the best way to have your grades saved.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Something of interest for schools already open to parents

Teachers can check to see if parents are logging on and checking student grades once the parent has been given a web id and password. In PowerSchool teacher, click on the "backpack" of the class of students that you wish to investigate. When the student list comes up on the left hand side of the page, click on the student name to provide the student's Quick Lookup screen. In the drop down menu on the right side - click on "Net/Phone Access Summary." For those who have access a list of dates, times and durations will appear for when a parent has logged on. This is very helpful in parent-teacher interacts to encourage parents to check student grades and assignments more frequently if needed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hiding 1st Quarter assignments and deleting assignments


As we have entered 2nd quarter here are some tips:

You can "hide" the assignments from the 1st quarter. In PowerGrade click on the icon that looks like a lightswitch "Preferences." On the "Display" tab look toward the bottom of the page and you can see where you can choose what dates you would like visible. Fill in second quarter start and end dates and the page will clean up for you. Also, you can add a column for showing you the student's absences and tardies on that page as well.

You can delete assignments as well. Double click on the top of the column in PowerGrade that has the assignment listed (the column in which you input the student grades.) When the dialog box opens, click on "delete" and the assignment is deleted.

Please email to share more tips - Adele

Friday, November 10, 2006

Storing Process Has Begun & Printing Tip

As of 4pm on Friday, November 10th - grade storing process has started. The Principal of SJV shared when printing report cards place them back in the printer in the same order they were printed on the first side to match the back of the print.

Report card printing can begin on Monday.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Attendance Changes for 1st Quarter

Administrators have rights to change the attendance for a student for 1st quarter during 2nd quarter. To see 1st quarter attendance grids, log in and click on the blue "Term" link at the top center of the page. Choose the quarter you wish to work in and then change attendance as necessary.

When changes are completed, you can either log off or click on "Term" again and choose the current marking period.


Report Card Verification form

A report card verification form has been created and can be printed by administrators and teachers. Follow the same procedure as printing progress reports. The report card verification form does not have the comments attached for viewing at this time.

All grades MUST be verify by Friday, November 10th at 2pm, please, no exceptions. Report cards need to be run first thing Monday morning for the schools who will be using the computer version.

Thank you for meeting this deadline!
email if you need assistance -


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Checking for Final Grade for First Quarter


To check if your final grade for first quarter is correct, or to override the grade to give extra credit, here is the procedure:

Log on to PowerSchool Teacher:

Click on the "backpack" of a class (not homeroom, there is no grades there.) Click on the individual child's name that is listed on the left hand side of the page. When the demographics screen appears, click on the drop down arrow on the right side of the page and choose the option "Final Grade Entry-traditional." You will then see a screen that shows the Q1 and Y1 grades as they are now. Do NOT touch or be concerned about the Y1 grade at this time, we are only storing the Q1 grades. If you want to make any changes to that grade here is where you do so. If no changes are needed then just click submit. This MUST BE DONE BY FRIDAY, November 10th. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Final Grade Set Up Must be completed for all Quarters and Year End


In order for your grades to calculate correctly for all 4 quarters and the year end, you must create the same weighted categories for all 5 terms. After you decide your categories (Using Windows-Categories) and click on set up "Weighting" you will see in the upper left hand quarter of the dialog box a drop down line that has "Q1" in it (until 11/9 when it will automatically change to "Q2".)

You must use the same categories and weight for Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4, and Y1 to have your grades calculate correctly.

This can be checked by going to Windows-Final Grade Setup and click on each quarter and the year end to see if they are the same.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Checking end of the quarter grades

Teachers - you can use PowerSchool Teacher to check your grades for you students. Click on a student and view the current grades screen from the User Look Up page.

One week until storage of grades!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Storing grades for 1st Quarter

The date for the end of 1st Quarter is November 8th. All grades must be correct and final by 10 am on Monday, November 13th. That afternoon I will be completing a process which stores those grades in Historical records. Report cards can be printed starting November 15th. If there are any questions regarding grade corrections, please contact me.

Happy November!