Saturday, August 23, 2008



The problem with the gradebook was the children did not show up even though they were visible in your "backpacks" and the Grade Setup folders for the year and quarters were not visible either. Now all of those things are available and you can take the time to set up your gradebook.

Also, if you feel you need a refresher - the online course from Pearson is still available. If you forgot your id - its the email address you used to sign up originally. If you forgot your password, unfortunately, I can't help you and the site did not save it either. Create yourself as a new user with a different email address and you can then go back into the program. Use the code pss@01gb

Welcome back! Contact me as you need me :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

A delay in the gradebook


Unfortunately, PowerSchool is having an issue with our gradebook. It is not available without problems at this time. I will post when the problems have been fixed. In the meantime, your students will be listed under the "backpack" so you can review that information. I will keep you informed on the progress.

Sorry for the delay,

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

GradeBooks will be open on August 15th

Welcome Back Teachers!

Starting on August 15th your gradebooks will be available with your student list if it was input into the system by that time. You will not be able to see 1st Quarter until the first day of the quarter, September 2nd. You can see the year, so if your students are not visible immediately, Click in the upper left hand corner of your gradebook and choose "2008-2009" school year. E-mail me if you have a problem.

Don't forget to set up your term weights in Grade Setup - everyone MUST do the Y1 folder, choosing "Term Weights."


Sunday, August 03, 2008

New Year! Time for preparing your gradebook with Grade Setup


Welcome Back!! I hope you had a wonderful summer and had time to relax.

It's important for all of you to know that you must set up the grade setup in the beginning of each school year. The system does not assume you will do the same thing. Look at the blog history of past entries for directions.

IMPORTANT: EVERYONE MUST do the grade setup for Y1. You must go to "Grade Setup", click on the Y1 folder. Look at the bottom half of the page and click in the circle choice for "Term Weights." It will bring all 4 quarters to 100% each. Click submit and you are done. This should be done for every class except homeroom.

Not sure? Feel free to email me -
