Thursday, January 22, 2009

End of Second Marking Period is January 23rd


The end of the marking period is here. Please remember, if you are adding assignments and grades during the weekend for the second marking period, you MUST date the assignment either January 23rd or before. Anything dated January 24th or beyond will count as 3rd marking period. Also note, you will not be able to see attendance for the quarter in your attendance view. If you need for any reason the absent or late dates for the 2nd marking period you can click on the child's Quick Lookup and click on the year totals for the the dates.

For reminders of pluses and checks and comments - see previous blog entries around November.

Keep warm!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

URGENT - A Necessary Upgrade for January 15-16, 2009


We apologize for the short notice, but PowerSchool will not be available from just after midnight tonight, January 15th until midday tomorrow, January 16th. You will NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE ATTENDANCE OR INPUT GRADES AT THAT TIME. Once the system is back up in the afternoon you will be informed and you can then take attendance.

Thank you for your patience, this upgrade will help all teachers who use category weighing.


Friday, January 09, 2009

Kindergarten teachers - your report cards are standards based


The elementary teachers who use the pluses and "x's" for behavioral and academic standing use them for an "as needed" basis. For the kindergarten teachers, the whole report card uses standards and is created in the same place.

Kindergarten teachers complete their report cards from the "backpack" in PowerTeacher. Click on the "backpack" from homeroom and choose a child's name on the left side. In the upper right hand corner, click on the choice arrow and choose "Final Grade Entry Standards." Complete all standards for quarter 2 and click submit on the bottom of the screen. Standard grades do not go through the storing process that other grades do which means the kindergarten teacher can change standards as necessary.