Friday, November 16, 2007

Attendance Issues


At present if you look at the attendance of a child and it lists more days than you know the child was actually absent, look further into the details of the number for correct info. For example, the Quick Lookup may say that the child is absent 4 times when you know the child was absent 2 times and was early dismissed 2 times. If you click on the blue number 4, it will take you to a page that lists the 4 dates with the correct codes next to them - A for absent and ED for early dismissed. Computers "think" in two ways, either you're absent or you're not. Since the student was not in the full day, the system enters the data in the absent page. You don't have to worry about this, but if you have the circumstance of a parent concern, you can give them this information. Counting children toward perfect attendance is the discretion of the school.

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