Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Separating Comments Printed by Department

For schools already printing report cards and those who will do so in the future, grades 5 - 8 pull comments for report cards from all core subjects. The problem has been that the comments are not separated by subject so the parent would not be able to know which teacher created which comment.

The teachers at Sts. Philip and James were experimenting with this concept and came up with a solution. They put a space before listing the subject, a dash then the comment numbers and another dash.

Here's the way you write it:

[space] SCI - [11], [9] [space] *you don't write [space] -this just means to click the space bar to create space.

Here's how it looks:

REL - Uses time wisely, Participates in activities. MATH - Good effort! LA- Contributes to discussion, Good test results. SS- Pleasure to have in class!

Grades 1-4 have comments for report cards only pulled from the homeroom.

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