Friday, January 19, 2007

Timing Out when working on Attendance or Grades

The connection to PowerSchool, either through PowerSchool Teacher or PowerGrade, like many other internet programs "times out" when not in use. If you leave the window open and come back to work later you will see the page, however the information will not be sent to the PowerSchool server.

Here is an example:

In the morning you open the PowerSchool Teacher website and click on your homeroom "chair" to prepare to take attendance. After the children come in and a number of other events take place you go to the computer and click on the choices for attendance codes to complete the attendance on the children. When you click the "submit" button the login page suddenly appears again. YOUR INFORMATION WAS NOT SENT. You will need to login again to complete the attendance.

The same could happen inputting grades. PowerGrade and PowerSchool are recommended to use and close when not in use. These guidelines will save your work more efficiently.

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