Monday, December 04, 2006

Want to change unrecorded grades to something other than ( )?

If you'd like to have unrecord grades have a different look that you can catch easier than the standard ( ) - you can change them in your PowerGrade. For example, what if you'd like to see unrecorded grades represented as ** or xx? Here's how to personalize it for yourself:

Choose File>Preferences ( or click the Preferences icon on the class spreadsheet.)

Click the Scores tab.

At the first choice - Display unrecorded scores as - fill in your new choice in the box to replace the ( ) that is there.

Click OK when done.

This should change unrecorded scores to your own preferred look.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. It beats trying to explain that replacing the parentheses only works if there are two spaces between. Thank you for sharing your ideas.